About the source codes of the toolchain: 1. I am sorry, for the previous version that we did not include the source codes of the uclibc. 2. We made our toolchain from "buildroot", it comes from http://buildroot.uclibc.org. 3. And, to get the toolchain source codes that we used, you could untar the tgz file that named "cross-i386-linux.tgz", and it will be stored to /opt. It is big, because we left all the source codes and the object codes inside it for GPL checking. We don't know how to clean the object codes only. command: cd / tar xzvf cross-i386-linux.tgz of course, you have to become root first. 4. But, I have to warn you, please never use "make clean" on this source tree, it will clean all the default values that we saved, and you would have to select the options again. Unless you know what you are doing, please, use the binary codes that we gave you in "opt.tgz". It is enough for most people. --That's all--