How to install the modules: Install helpers first (autoconf, automake, gcc, flex, bison, perl etc.) All Hifidelio specific modules are installed into /opt BTW: You cannot install the developer tools onto the standard root partition - it is simply too small! #----------------------------- # SDL #----------------------------- cd SDL ./ ./configure --prefix=/opt/SDL make make install #----------------------------- # SDL_draw #----------------------------- setenv SDL_CONFIG /opt/SDL/bin/sdl-config (bash: export SDL_CONFIG=/opt/SDL/bin/sdl-config) ./configure setenv PATH $PATH":/opt/SDL/bin" (bash: export PATH=$PATH":/opt/SDL/bin") GW: make; make install #----------------------------- # freetype lib #----------------------------- cd freetype ./configure --prefix=/opt/freetype make make install #----------------------------- # mDNSResponder #----------------------------- cd mDNSResponder make os="linux" bzw. make os="panther" make install - SDL_draw ./configure --prefix=/opt/SDL_draw make make install mkdir /opt/SDL_draw/include cp include/* /opt/SDL_draw/include - SDL_bmf cd expat make ranlib xmlparse/libexpat.a make cd ../SDL_bmf cd expat++ make ranlib libexpat++.a cd ../SDL_bmf make libSDL_bmf.a ranlib libSDL_bmf.a In Include-File SDL_bmf/SDL_bmf/SDL_bmf.h line 96 change to: #include cd /../Fidelio/Lib mkdir /opt/SDL_bmf/ mkdir /opt/SDL_bmf/lib mkdir /opt/SDL_bmf/include sudo cp expat/xmlparse/libexpat.a /opt/SDL_bmf/lib sudo cp SDL_bmf/expat++/libexpat++.a /opt/SDL_bmf/lib sudo cp SDL_bmf/SDL_bmf/libSDL_bmf.a /opt/SDL_bmf/lib sudo cp expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.h /opt/SDL_bmf/include sudo cp SDL_bmf/expat++/expat++.h /opt/SDL_bmf/include sudo cp SDL_bmf/SDL_bmf/SDL_bmf.h /opt/SDL_bmf/include #----------------------------- # SDL_ttf #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/SDL_ttf --with-freetype-prefix=/opt/freetype make make install #----------------------------- # libxml2 #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/libxml2 make make install #----------------------------- # libxslt #----------------------------- ./configure --exec-prefix=/opt/libxslt --prefix=/opt/libxslt --with-libxml-prefix=/opt/libxml2 make make install chmod 755 /opt/libxslt/lib/ #----------------------------- # libogg #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/libogg make make install #----------------------------- # libvorbis #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/libvorbis --with-ogg=/opt/libogg make make install #----------------------------- # vorbis-tools #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/vorbistools --without-speex --with-ogg=/opt/libogg --with-vorbis=/opt/libvorbis --with-libiconv-prefix=/opt/libiconv --without-flac --disable-ogg123 --disable-oggdec --disable-oggenc --disable-ogginfo --disable-vcut make sudo make install #----------------------------- # icecast #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/icecast --with-xslt-config=/opt/libxslt/bin/xslt-config --with-ogg=/opt/libogg --with-vorbis=/opt/libvorbis --disable-yp Then edit line 131 of src/Makefile to read like this: icecast_LDADD = $(icecast_DEPENDENCIES) $(VORBIS_LDFLAGS) $(OGG_LDFLAGS) -lvorbis -L/opt/libxslt/lib -L/opt/libxml2/lib -lxslt -lxml2 -lz -lpthread -liconv -lm GW: -liconv entfaellt fuer Linux make make install #----------------------------- # id3 lib: #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/id3 make make install #----------------------------- # libshout #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/libshout --with-ogg=/opt/libogg --with-vorbis=/opt/libvorbis make make install #----------------------------- # Tremor #----------------------------- ./install.wmc #----------------------------- # libID3tag #----------------------------- ./install.wmc #----------------------------- # libmad #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/libmad make make install #----------------------------- # faad2 (AAC decoder support) #----------------------------- chmod +x bootstrap ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix=/opt/faad2 --with-mp4v2 make sudo make install sudo cp common/mp4ff/*.h /opt/faad2/include/ (sudo cp common/mp4v2/mp4.h /opt/faad2/include/?) In /opt/faad2/include/mp4.h line 27: #include "mpeg4ip.h" auskommentieren #----------------------------- # flac 1.1.2 #----------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/flac --with-ogg=/opt/libogg --disable-id3libtest --disable-oggtest --disable-3dnow --disable-altivec --disable-asm-optimizations CFLAGS='-msoft-float -DFLAC__INTEGER_ONLY_LIBRARY' make sudo make install Machine Room Log Supplemental ============================= In addition to the standard ppc405 distribution you'll need the following: bzip2-1.0.2.tar.gz as tool bison-1.875.tar.gz for Perl flex-2.5.4a.tar for Perl stable.tar.gz (perl-5.8.2) for automake, autoconf, aclocal m4-1.4.tar.gz for autoconf autoconf-2.59.tar.gz for all tools automake-1.8.3.tar.gz for all tools fbset-2.1.tar.gz Framebuffer-driver configure Change /etc/ to something like this: /opt/SDL/lib /opt/freetype/lib /opt/SDL_ttf/lib /opt/libxml2/lib /opt/libxslt/lib /opt/libogg/lib /opt/libvorbis/lib /opt/id3/lib /opt/libshout/lib ... Then do a ldconfig -v --------------------------------------------------------------- # cdparanoia wmc --------------------------------------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/opt/cdparanoia make make install --------------------------------------------------------------- # cdrecord/cdtools --------------------------------------------------------------- cd cdrtools tar -xzf links.tgz mv INSTALL INSTALL.txt mkdir incs make make install cd smake make --------------------------------------------------------------- # cddbd (freedb server) --------------------------------------------------------------- cd cddbd ./ # ---- folgender Dialog: Enter the path to the cddbd access file dir [/usr/local/cddbd] /data/cddbd Enter the list of trusted users, one per line. Press return alone when finished. Secure user: wmc1 Secure user: wmc2 Secure user: wmc3 Secure user: root Secure user: fidelio Secure user: Configuration of cddbd is now complete. You may now run "make". # ---- make #weiter als root: mkdir /opt/cddbd mkdir /opt/cddbd/cgi ./ # ---- folgender Dialog: Installing "cddbd" CDDB Protocol Server 1.5PL3 by Steve Scherf et al. Enter cddbd binary directory [/usr/local/bin]: /opt/cddbd Enter cddbd work directory [/data/cddb]: Enter CD database directory [/data/cddb]: Do you want to enable server access via HTTP? [y] Enter cddbd CGI directory [/root/public_html]: /opt/cddbd/cgi Do you want to enable logging of server accesses? [y] n Do you want configure your site as a master database hub? [n] Enter user and permission information. In general, you will want the server and database user/group/perms to be the same. They MUST be the same if you are not root. Note that the server binary perms should be setuid/setgid unless you can guarantee that the owner will be the only user to run it. Enter the user who will own the server directory [root]: Enter the group of the server directory [root]: Enter the server file creation mode [644]: Enter the server directory creation mode [755]: Enter the user who will own the database [root]: Enter the group of the database [root]: Enter the database file mode [644]: Enter the database directory mode [755]: Enter the server file binary mode [6711]: Do you want to allow automatic database updates? [n] Do you want to create the motd file now? [y] Enter editor you wish to use [/usr/bin/vi]: ./ /usr/bin/vi: No such file or directory Making directories... /data/cddb /data/cddb/server Preserving old files... Installing files... /opt/cddbd/cddbd /opt/cddbd/cgi/cddb.cgi /data/cddb/access /data/cddb/sites /data/cddb/passwd Do you want to create the fuzzy matching hash file now? [y] n If you wish to enable fuzzy matching in the future, you will have to run "cddbd -fd". Installation of cddbd is now complete. #------------ #----------------------------- # sox #----------------------------- cd sox # Damit das sox config dings die madlib auch findet, muss man umgebungsvariablen setzen (fuer ogg-vorbis dann auch): # for tcsh: setenv CFLAGS -I/opt/mad/include setenv CPPFLAGS -I/opt/mad/include setenv LDFLAGS -L/opt/mad/lib # for bash: export CFLAGS=-I/opt/mad/include export CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mad/include export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/mad/lib ./configure --prefix=/opt/sox --disable-fast-ulaw --disable-fast-alaw --disable-gsm --disable-sun-audio --enable-ogg-vorbis --enable-mad #----------------------------- # httpd #----------------------------- # Apache ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --enable-rewrite=shared # Anhaengen an /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf : Include "/opt/Fidelio/httpd/conf/httpd.fidelio.conf" #----------------------------- # libiconv (nur Linux) #----------------------------- cd libiconv ./configure --prefix=/opt/libiconv make sudo make install #----------------------------- # libalsa + alsa-utils (Linux only) #----------------------------- cd alsa ./configure --prefix=/opt/alsa make sudo make install (on first install: update /etc/ + /sbin/ldconfig -v) cd alsa-utils /configure --prefix=/opt/alsa-utils --with-alsa-prefix=/opt/alsa/lib/ --with-alsa-inc-prefix=/opt/alsa/include/ make sudo make install #----------------------------- # sg3_utils (scsi generic utils) #----------------------------- cd sg3_utils make sudo make install #----------------------------- # btar (tar for hf backup only) #----------------------------- cd btar CFLAGS="-O2 -msoft-float -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" LDFLAGS="-msoft-float" ./configure --prefix=/opt/btar make sudo install -o root -g root -p src/tar /opt/Fidelio/bin/btar #----------------------------- # butil (backup util) #----------------------------- cd butil make sudo make install #----------------------------- # perl (for mod_perl) #----------------------------- cd perl ./Configure -Dprefix=/opt/perl -Dccflags="-msoft-float" -Dldflags="-msoft-float" -des make sudo make install #----------------------------- # shc (shell script compiler) #----------------------------- cd shc make sudo make install #----------------------------- # libpcap (für zcip) #----------------------------- cd libpcap CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/libpcap make sudo make install #----------------------------- # libnet (für zcip) #----------------------------- cd libnet CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/libnet make sudo make install #----------------------------- # zcip (zeroconf) #----------------------------- cd zcip make sudo make install #----------------------------- # zebra (ripd) #----------------------------- cd zebra CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/zebra --disable-ipv6 --disable-bgpd --disable-ripngd --disable-ospfd --disable-ospf6d --disable-bgp-announce make sudo make install #----------------------------- # udhcp #----------------------------- cd udhcp make sudo make install #----------------------------- # alsa-driver #----------------------------- cd alsa-driver ./configure --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux --with-cards=via82xx --with-sequencer=no ln -s /usr/src/linux/arch/ppc/platforms include/ make sudo make install The modules are created inside the alsa-driver/modules directory and need to be moved into the system: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/sound/..... pci/ac97/snd-ac97-codec.o pci/snd-via82xx.o drivers/mpu401/snd-mpu401-uart.o acore/oss/snd-mixer-oss.o acore/oss/snd-pcm-oss.o acore/snd-page-alloc.o acore/snd-pcm.o acore/snd-rawmidi.o acore/snd-timer.o acore/snd.o #----------------------------- # disktype #----------------------------- cd disktype make sudo make install #----------------------------- # dnsmasq #----------------------------- cd dnsmasq make sudo make install #----------------------------- # gnupg #----------------------------- cd gnupg CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnupg make sudo make install #----------------------------- # hfsplus #----------------------------- cd hfsplus aclocal autoconf autoheader automake -a # hier gibt es ein paar Fehlermeldungen CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/hfsplusutils ln -s /usr/local/bin/libtool make sudo make install #----------------------------- # wget #----------------------------- cd wget CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/wget make sudo make install #----------------------------- # samba #----------------------------- cd samba/source CFLAGS="-O2 -msoft-float" LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure --prefix=/opt/samba --with-smbmount make sudo make install #----------------------------- # bridge-utils #----------------------------- cd bridge-utils CFLAGS=-msoft-float LDFLAGS=-msoft-float ./configure make sudo make install #----------------------------- # wireless-tools #----------------------------- cd wireless_tools make sudo make install sudo cp -a /opt/wireless_tools/sbin/* /sbin # netzwerk skripte gehen von /sbin aus #----------------------------- # tools #----------------------------- cd tools make sudo make install