The parse driver currently supports several clocks with different query mechanisms. In order for you to find a sample that might be similar to a clock you might want to integrate into parse i'll sum up the major features of the clocks (this information is distributed in the parse/clk_*.c and ntpd/refclock_parse.c files).
Meinberg: start=<STX>, end=<ETX>, sync on start pattern="\2D: . . ;T: ;U: . . ; \3" pattern="\2 . . ; ; : : ; \3" pattern="\2 . . ; ; : : ; : ; ; . . "
Meinberg is a german manufacturer of time code receivers. Those clocks have a pretty common output format in the stock version. In order to support NTP Meinberg was so kind to produce some special versions of the firmware for the use with NTP. So, if you are going to use a Meinberg clock please ask whether there is a special Uni Erlangen version. You can reach Meinberg via the Web. Information can also be ordered via eMail from
General characteristics:
Meinberg clocks primarily output pulse per second and a describing
ASCII string. This string can be produced in two modes. either upon
the reception of a question mark or every second. NTP uses the latter
mechanism. The DCF77 variants have a pretty good relationship between
RS232 time code and the PPS signal while the GPS receiver has no fixed
timeing between the datagram and the pulse (you need to use PPS with
GPS!) on DCF77 you might get away without the PPS signal.
The preferred tty setting for Meinberg is: CFLAG (B9600|CS7|PARENB|CREAD|HUPCL) IFLAG (IGNBRK|IGNPAR|ISTRIP) OFLAG 0 LFLAG 0
The tty setting for Meinberg GPS 166/167 receivers is: CFLAG (B19200|CS8|PARENB|CREAD|HUPCL) IFLAG (IGNBRK|IGNPAR|ISTRIP) OFLAG 0 LFLAG 0
The clock is run at datagram once per second. Stock dataformat is:
<STX>D:<dd>.<mm>.<yy>;T:<w>;U:<hh>:<mm>:<ss>;<S><F><D><A><ETX> pos: 0 00 00 0 00 0 11 111 1 111 12 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 23 45 6 78 9 01 234 5 678 90 1 23 4 56 7 8 9 0 1 2 <STX> = '\002' ASCII start of text <ETX> = '\003' ASCII end of text <dd>,<mm>,<yy> = day, month, year(2 digits!!) <w> = day of week (sunday= 0) <hh>,<mm>,<ss> = hour, minute, second <S> = '#' if never synced since powerup else ' ' for DCF U/A 31 '#' if not PZF sychronisation available else ' ' for PZF 535 <F> = '*' if time comes from internal quartz else ' ' <D> = 'S' if daylight saving time is active else ' ' <D> = 'U' if UTC time code is deliverd else ' ' <A> = '!' during the hour preceeding an daylight saving time start/end change <A> = 'A' if a leap second is announced
<STX><dd>.<mm>.<yy>; <w>; <hh>:<mm>:<ss>; <U><S><F><D><A><L><R><ETX> pos: 0 00 0 00 0 00 11 1 11 11 1 11 2 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 23 4 56 7 89 01 2 34 56 7 89 0 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 <STX> = '\002' ASCII start of text <ETX> = '\003' ASCII end of text <dd>,<mm>,<yy> = day, month, year(2 digits!!) <w> = day of week (sunday= 0) <hh>,<mm>,<ss> = hour, minute, second <U> = 'U' UTC time display <S> = '#' if never synced since powerup else ' ' for DCF U/A 31 '#' if not PZF sychronisation available else ' ' for PZF 535 <F> = '*' if time comes from internal quartz else ' ' <D> = 'S' if daylight saving time is active else ' ' <A> = '!' during the hour preceeding an daylight saving time start/end change <L> = 'A' LEAP second announcement <R> = 'R' alternate antenna
Meinberg GPS166 receiver
You must get the Uni-Erlangen firmware for the GPS receiver support
to work to full satisfaction !
<STX><dd>.<mm>.<yy>; <w>; <hh>:<mm>:<ss>; <+/-><00:00>; <U><S><F><D><A><L><R><L>; <position...><ETX> * 000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 \x0209.07.93; 5; 08:48:26; +00:00; ; 49.5736N 11.0280E 373m\x03 * <STX> = '\002' ASCII start of text <ETX> = '\003' ASCII end of text <dd>,<mm>,<yy> = day, month, year(2 digits!!) <w> = day of week (sunday= 0) <hh>,<mm>,<ss> = hour, minute, second <+/->,<00:00> = offset to UTC <S> = '#' if never synced since powerup else ' ' for DCF U/A 31 '#' if not PZF sychronisation available else ' ' for PZF 535 <U> = 'U' UTC time display <F> = '*' if time comes from internal quartz else ' ' <D> = 'S' if daylight saving time is active else ' ' <A> = '!' during the hour preceeding an daylight saving time start/end change <L> = 'A' LEAP second announcement <R> = 'R' alternate antenna (reminiscent of PZF535) usually ' ' <L> = 'L' on 23:59:60
For the Meinberg parse look into clock_meinberg.c
RAWDCF: end=TIMEOUT>1.5s, sync each char (any char),generate psuedo time codes, fixed format
direct DCF77 code input
In Europe it is relatively easy/cheap the receive the german time code transmitter DCF77. The simplest version to process its signal is to feed the 100/200ms pulse of the demodulated AM signal via a level converter to an RS232 port at 50Baud. parse/clk_rawdcf.c holds all necessary decoding logic for the time code which is transmitted each minute for one minute. A bit of the time code is sent once a second.
The preferred tty setting is: CFLAG (B50|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL) IFLAG 0 OFLAG 0 LFLAG 0
From "Zur Zeit", Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig
und Berlin, M„rz 1989
Timecode transmission: AM: time marks are send every second except for the second before the next minute mark time marks consist of a reduction of transmitter power to 25% of the nominal level the falling edge is the time indication (on time) time marks of a 100ms duration constitute a logical 0 time marks of a 200ms duration constitute a logical 1 FM: see the spec. (basically a (non-)inverted psuedo random phase shift) Encoding: Second Contents 0 - 10 AM: free, FM: 0 11 - 14 free 15 R - alternate antenna 16 A1 - expect zone change (1 hour before) 17 - 18 Z1,Z2 - time zone 0 0 illegal 0 1 MEZ (MET) 1 0 MESZ (MED, MET DST) 1 1 illegal 19 A2 - expect leap insertion/deletion (1 hour before) 20 S - start of time code (1) 21 - 24 M1 - BCD (lsb first) Minutes 25 - 27 M10 - BCD (lsb first) 10 Minutes 28 P1 - Minute Parity (even) 29 - 32 H1 - BCD (lsb first) Hours 33 - 34 H10 - BCD (lsb first) 10 Hours 35 P2 - Hour Parity (even) 36 - 39 D1 - BCD (lsb first) Days 40 - 41 D10 - BCD (lsb first) 10 Days 42 - 44 DW - BCD (lsb first) day of week (1: Monday -> 7: Sunday) 45 - 49 MO - BCD (lsb first) Month 50 MO0 - 10 Months 51 - 53 Y1 - BCD (lsb first) Years 54 - 57 Y10 - BCD (lsb first) 10 Years 58 P3 - Date Parity (even) 59 - usually missing (minute indication), except for leap insertion
Schmid clock: needs poll, binary input, end='\xFC', sync start
The Schmid clock is a DCF77 receiver that sends a binary time code at the reception of a flag byte. The contents if the flag byte determined the time code format. The binary time code is delimited by the byte 0xFC.
The command to Schmid's DCF77 clock is a single byte; each bit allows the user to select some part of the time string, as follows (the output for the lsb is sent first).
Bit 0: time in MEZ, 4 bytes *binary, not BCD*; Bit 1: date 3 bytes *binary, not BCD: Bit 2: week day, 1 byte (unused here) Bit 3: time zone, 1 byte, 0=MET, 1=MEST. (unused here) Bit 4: clock status, 1 byte, 0=time invalid, 1=time from crystal backup, 3=time from DCF77 Bit 5: transmitter status, 1 byte, bit 0: backup antenna bit 1: time zone change within 1h bit 3,2: TZ 01=MEST, 10=MET bit 4: leap second will be added within one hour bits 5-7: Zero Bit 6: time in backup mode, units of 5 minutes (unused here)
Trimble SV6: needs poll, ascii timecode, start='>', end='<', query='>QTM<', eol='<'
Trimble SV6 is a GPS receiver with PPS output. It needs to be polled. It also need a special tty mode setup (EOL='<').
TTY setup is: CFLAG (B4800|CS8|CREAD) IFLAG (BRKINT|IGNPAR|ISTRIP|ICRNL|IXON) OFLAG (OPOST|ONLCR) LFLAG (ICANON|ECHOK) Special flags are: PARSE_F_PPSPPS - use CIOGETEV for PPS time stamping PARSE_F_PPSONSECOND - the time code is not related to the PPS pulse (so use the time code only for the second epoch) Timecode 0000000000111111111122222222223333333 / char 0123456789012345678901234567890123456 \ posn >RTMhhmmssdddDDMMYYYYoodnnvrrrrr;*xx< Actual ----33445566600112222BB7__-_____--99- Parse >RTM 1 ;* < Check
ELV DCF7000: end='\r', pattern=" - - - - - - - \r"
The ELV DCF7000 is a cheap DCF77 receiver sending each second a time code (though not very precise!) delimited by '`r'
Timecode YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-FF\r FF&0x1 - DST FF&0x2 - DST switch warning FF&0x4 - unsynchronised
HOPF Funkuhr 6021 mit serieller Schnittstelle Created by F.Schnekenbuehl <> from clk_rcc8000.c Nortel DASA Network Systems GmbH, Department: ND250 A Joint venture of Daimler-Benz Aerospace and Nortel.
hopf Funkuhr 6021 used with 9600,8N1, UTC via serial line "Sekundenvorlauf" ON ETX zum Sekundenvorlauf ON dataformat 6021 output time and date transmit with control characters transmit evry second Type 6021 Serial Output format 000000000011111111 / char 012345678901234567 \ position sABHHMMSSDDMMYYnre Actual C4110046231195 Parse s enr Check s = STX (0x02), e = ETX (0x03) n = NL (0x0A), r = CR (0x0D) A B - Status and weekday A - Status 8 4 2 1 x x x 0 - no announcement x x x 1 - Summertime - wintertime - summertime announcement x x 0 x - Wintertime x x 1 x - Summertime 0 0 x x - Time/Date invalid 0 1 x x - Internal clock used 1 0 x x - Radio clock 1 1 x x - Radio clock highprecision B - 8 4 2 1 0 x x x - MESZ/MEZ 1 x x x - UTC x 0 0 1 - Monday x 0 1 0 - Tuesday x 0 1 1 - Wednesday x 1 0 0 - Thursday x 1 0 1 - Friday x 1 1 0 - Saturday x 1 1 1 - Sunday
The Computime receiver sends a datagram in the following format every minute
Timestamp T:YY:MM:MD:WD:HH:MM:SSCRLF Pos 0123456789012345678901 2 3 0000000000111111111122 2 2 Parse T: : : : : : : \r\n T Startcharacter "T" specifies start of the timestamp YY Year MM Month 1-12 MD Day of the month WD Day of week HH Hour MM Minute SS Second CR Carriage return LF Linefeed
The WHARTON 400A Series clock is able to send date/time serial messages in 7 output formats. We use format 1 here because it is the shortest. We set up the clock to send a datagram every second. For use with this driver, the WHARTON 400A Series clock must be set-up as follows :
Programmable Selected Option No Option BST or CET display 3 9 or 11 No external controller 7 0 Serial Output Format 1 9 1 Baud rate 9600 bps 10 96 Bit length 8 bits 11 8 Parity even 12 EWHARTON 400A Series output format 1 is as follows :
Timestamp STXssmmhhDDMMYYSETX Pos 0 12345678901234 0 00000000011111 STX start transmission (ASCII 0x02) ETX end transmission (ASCII 0x03) ss Second expressed in reversed decimal (units then tens) mm Minute expressed in reversed decimal hh Hour expressed in reversed decimal DD Day of month expressed in reversed decimal MM Month expressed in reversed decimal (January is 1) YY Year (without century) expressed in reversed decimal S Status byte : 0x30 + bit 0 0 = MSF source 1 = DCF source bit 1 0 = Winter time 1 = Summer time bit 2 0 = not synchronised 1 = synchronised bit 3 0 = no early warning 1 = early warning